Happy New year; Reflections so far!

Over the winter holiday I spent a lot of time in a Northern Saskatchewan Ice Fishing shack not catching any fish.  This is a common thing for me during the winter holiday as the lake my family and I visit is not really the most productive for fish.  However this is really just fine for me as it gives me time to reflect on the four months that have passed so far and the six months yet to come.

We have accomplished much this year so far, including the beginning of our Maker journey and the Learning Commons transformation, Grade 1/2 celebration of learning, our dance residency and the amazing opportunities students have had to enrich their learning through deep Inquiry, meaningful field trips and bringing experts into the school.

The one accomplishment this year that I think may be the most important is the implementation of our Response To Intervention (RTI) model.

RTI is a philosophy that looks at the needs of all students through a 3 tier model and then plans, programs and addresses those needs with very targeted interventions.  This ensures that all students have their needs met. Tier 1 is the regular, differentiated teaching in the classroom that all students get.  At Tier 2, students receive Tier 1 support, but also small group, targeted instruction and at Tier 3, our most at-risk students receive intense targeted extra interventions on a daily basis.

As we move forward toward June, make sure you are watching the Learning commons as we continue to transform it.  We can't wait to see what will happen in this, our most important space in the building!

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