Library to Learning Commons Post 1

One of the initiatives that Alberta Education has driven over the last few years has been to mandate a change in every school from a library to a Learning Commons. This has been written into the school act and is expected of all schools in the province.

This change to  Learning Commons (LC) involves many factors, however the most important idea behind it is the idea of the "commons". Students should have consistent and constant access to the physical space and a virtual Learning Commons space.

A Learning Commons will often involve a portal to information on the Internet that allows students to search the library as well as other information outlets 24/7. As well, during the day, students should have access to the space for a variety of activities that go far beyond "quietly reading a book" or "quietly researching" in isolation from each other.

In contrast, the LC should be an exciting, energetic, noisy place that sparks creativity and draws students and guests into the space for a variety of activities. Calgary's new central library is a good example of this, as illustrated in the video below.

Please stay posted for future posts, which will focus on activities within an LC that turn the idea of the library on its head, including the maker movement, technology and what is happening in the Learning Commons I personally work out of.

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